Peerless Info About Tcs Financial Ratios Intel Proxy Statement

Helps investors determine whether a stock is trading at, below, or above its fair value estimate,a price/fair value ratio below 1 suggests the stock is trading at a discount to its.
Tcs financial ratios. Tata consultancy s key financial stats and ratios. 16 feb 04:01 pm price summary. Tamilnad mercantile bank has seen the biggest rise of 200 basis points in its casa ratio while punjab & sind bank has improved the same by 158 bps.
72,826.71 1,181.41 ( +1.65 %) nifty 50 22,056.80 359.35 ( +1.66 %) nifty bank 46,739.80 551.15 ( +1.19 %) nifty midcap 100 Usd revenue of $ 6,524 mn, up 14.4% yoy constant currency revenue up 15.4% yoy profit: View the latest tcs financial statements, income.
Tata consultancy services ltd. Tata consultancy s key financial stats and ratios. Life sciences & healthcare :
Price to book ratio 12.97: Tata consultancy services ltd. Tata consultancy services (tcs) is a global leader in it services, consulting and business solutions.
Get a brief overview of tata consultancy s financials with all the important numbers. Inventory turnover ratio (x) 0.00: Operating margin at 25.0% net margin at 20.0% cash flow from operations at.
30,284 feb 20, 2024 4:01 pm financial ratios consolidated * in (rs. Price to sales ratio 5.20: The company has an enterprise value to ebitda ratio of 22.86.
Price to cash flow ratio 26.49: View the latest tcs income statement, balance sheet, and financial ratios. Energy, resources and utilities :
Annual stock financials by marketwatch.